Denna Portrait


This portrait is but a moment in time that is warmed by the life of my daughter Denna.  Her gifts of love and joy  are given ecstatically.  Though I gave life to her one summer day, she has given me back many fold ever since.  I have come to appreciate a life more vibrant than I ever could have imagined.
This pencil portrait was done all in pencils ranging from 4h hardness through 2h, hb, 2b, 4b, and 6b.  The picture was taken from a 3×5 photograph, enlarged manually and completed on an 11×14 bristol board.  The entire picture was first layed out with the 4h lead and then subsequent layers were added in lesser amounts taking shadows and light areas more into account. I took about 15 hours to do.

One thought on “Denna Portrait”

  1. This is just beautiful… You can feel the love and passion that has gone into this portrait… just beautiful!

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