All posts by Cynthia

The Nature of Our Harmony

Watercolor Pencils created from December 2008 to March 2009.


Knowledge is power, it is true, but it depends on what you know , how you know it, what you do with it, and when you do it.

Symbolism and Ideas

Inspiration was Buddhist Sutra or teaching about Kriya Yoga, literally meaning work, working towards Yoga, which we can understand as a union, bridge, connection between our inner selves, which we all have to some extent, and the outer world, which is everything else, from your face to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

“The organs are the  horses, the mind is the rein, the intellect is the charioteer, the soul is the rider, and the body is the chariot.  The master of the household, the King, the Self of man, is sitting in this chariot.  If the horses are very strong and do not obey the rein, if the charioteer, the intellect, does not know how to control the horses, then the chariot will come to grief.  But if the organs, the horses are well controlled, and if the rein, the mind, is well held in the hands of the charioteer, the intellect, the chariot reaches the goal.  What is meant, therefore, by this mortification?  Holding the rein firmly while guiding the body and the organs; not letting them do anything they like, but keeping them both under proper control.” –The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The purpose of the Stonehenge in the background is to characterize abstract ideas.   Humility, in the bottommost layer, fellowship, the mid layer, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the top layer, written in stone, as it were, embodied and connected to the cosmos  by the mystery, reverence, and timelessness of Stonehenge.

The waves emanating from the hoof symbolize reflection, the passing of time, and the interdependence of everything.

The orange flame colors in the horses and spirits in the chariot alludes to a Buddhist belief originating in the Atman, or no self.  The proposal is that nothing exists in and of itself for its own end.

All are conventions created for our understanding ,  a sort of  painted reality.  There are infinite levels of organization of infinite levels of things and everyone understands and sees things differently, with their own conscious and subconscious conventions, and some things are understood by multiple people or animals or even plants, as conventions.  So, the question is, if we don’t exist what am I that I am still here?

Continue reading The Nature of Our Harmony

Tree by the Water

This drawing was done January-June 2007.


I’ve always enjoyed the ideas of  the presence of spirits in trees, water, rocks and anywhere else I look.  Perhaps it is something in me that is brought out in the light when I am drawing.  Look and see what you can experience.  Enjoy.

When I am in the right place and time I become full of a spirit that fills me with a joy and the possibilities of all that can be.  The two dimensional draws me in and I move through a most magical place where I can roam to my hearts content.  Through the myriad curves and swirls of my pen I can see beyond the page and be taken away at once on a journey of spirit.  It is a place where the more you look, the more you see and many things are revealed never even imagined.

This basic design of this picture was first drawn with pencil and then completed with an ink pen on an 11×14 Strathmore drawing paper with a 1 1/4″ border on the side and a 1 1/2″ border on the top and bottom, allowing for some overgrown branches.

Steps on a Path

This picture was made about August 2008 to December 2008


This picture began with the contemplation on my place as a parent, a wife, a friend, in the past in the future and in the present.  I again borrowed from Buddhist ideas of yoga and older ideas of the mandala, and my ways of seeing spirits in all things.

Raja Yoga is a scientific method of meditation in which a person can reach enlightenment by following an 8 step discipline.   The Buddhist believe that we each posses vast mental and psychic resources that lie virtually untapped below  the surface of the conscious mind.  To release this latent potential, Raja Yoga, prescribes a psychological approach, based on a practical system of concentration and control of the mind.

  1. Yamas (abstentions) : Truth, nonviolece, conservation and moderation of enerfy, nonstealing, and noncovetousness
  2. Niyamas (observances) : Austerities, purity, contentment, selfstudy, surrender of the ego or self
  3. Asanas : steady poses
  4. Pranayama : Control of vital energy, or prana
  5. Pratyahara : Withdrawal of the senses
  6. Dharana : Concentration of the mind
  7. Dyana : Meditation (sustained Dharana)
  8. Samadhi : The superconscious state

The figure, or I, am climbing the eight steps, time not being an issue.  As I reach the top, I have the mandala centered on her head to show the process of continuing the Samadhil by having the figures reaching out from the center and in towards the center in an ongoing dance.  Each step I created after a little contemplation of each of the steps.

The long hair symbolizes the passage of time.  And the swirls, which I have always done in   my aliens, seem to be the prana, or vital energy,  metachlorians in Star Wars speak.

The trees limbs end with the Buddhist symbol for wellness, what someone once pointed out to me as a ‘beautiful cross’, at various stages of development and growth.  And the spirits in the trees and the rocks are found by those seeking something.

The color scheme is from pastel pencils;  Light Vermilion, a Red, Prussian  Blue, and Light Lemon Yellow.  I love the earth tones that I achieved, though I had to be careful not to over stack the colors.  I layered one color on top of the next, running the colors in different directions.

The sky is a dynamic part of the picture blowing around and through anything and everything.  A friendly presence.

Sister’s Portrait

This portrait was created November-December 2008

Maria and Brad

This is a portrait of my sister and her husband.  I used 6h,4h,2h,hb,2b,4b,6b leads.  I really enjoyed working with the texture of Brads sweater and Maria’s hair.  It was challenging making a portrait of someone I know because you think you know what a person looks like until you really look.

This portrait was taken from a 8×10 phototgraph and manually enlarged using a grid technique.  Using lead harnesses 6h,4h,2h,hb,2b,4b,and 6b, it was done on  11×14 bristol board.  I did the entire first layer with the 6h and 4h leads and moved to the shadows with the subsequent leads.    This was a second drawing done for myself, the first one commisioned by my sister and done on coldpress board with a 2″ border on the sides and top and a 3″  border on the bottom.

When the Spirit Says Dance

This block print was done from October-December 2008.


I made a few “thumbnails” and this was the favorite one of my children.  I also did a snowflake, a steeple made of hand called “Made by Hand”, and a suspicious chariot that looked like a sleigh.

The name I morphed  from a children’s song and it seemed to fit the theme of the picture, a dance of four individuals doing their own thing, together.

The figures embodies grace, focus,  and an inner wisdom and these were the guiding principals of the piece.  The high contrast of this style is appealing for seeing silhouets and the beauty of simplicity.  Inspired by Celtic artwork, the fun  of interweaving complexities is uplifting.